Friday, June 8, 2012

Appreciating Past Ballerinas

     Has anyone ever noticed that the most celebrated ballerinas in history would now be considered severely deficient in technical ability?  When watching old videos, I can't help but compare those dancers to the dancers of today, which is far from fair.  For their time, the ballerinas of the past were phenomenal, and I think in terms of artistry they still are.
     In anything time brings advancements, improvements, and changes.  Ballet technique should be pushed forward (although not at the expense of artistry), and witnessing the evolution of ballet excites me.  One must remember though, that the accomplishments of our current dancers take nothing away from legends such as Margot Fonteyn, Anna Pavlova, and  Alicia Alonso.
     I'll sometimes see comments on Youtube that downplay the greatness of ballet dancers who deserve respect.  They must not understand that what former dancers contributed to ballet helped bring this art form where it is today.  Ballet couldn't start out the way it is now.  It had to go through different stages in order to morph into its present state.  
     It's also vital to realize that the ballet dancers from generations past showed amazing artistry that pulled audiences in.  They were musical, emotional, dramatic, gentle, transparent.  I get goosebumps watching Anna Pavlova's dying swan, simple as it is.  Let us never become disillusioned and believe there is nothing we can learn from past ballerinas.  They have so much to teach us.    


  1. So true! It is interesting to see how SO many of our Art forms and industries have evolved and become more extreme. I suppose it is just evolution!

    1. Yes, ballet is not the only thing to have evolved. I also see it in figure skating. Today's competitive skaters are doing amazing tricks the that great skaters from the past couldn't do.

  2. Hi Elizabeth! I know this makes me a terrible person but I HATE Fonteyn. Have you ever seen the old video of her and Nureyev in 'Marguerite and Armand'? I think she's about 50 in it, and should have retired ten years prior. Pavlova, yes, and her Dying Swan is heartfelt. But I would take Lopatkina from Marinsky any day over her. I think the most amazing thing is how dancer's role in society has evolved. Performing artists of the stage used to be respected more, in my opinion. We were the rock stars! But maybe I'm biased since none of my friends want to watch the Tony's with me, while everyone still turns out for the academy awards.

    1. You're not a terrible person if you don't care for Margot. We all have our preferences. And no I haven't see that video of her and Nureyev but I will look it up on Youtube. You've got me curious:)
      I agree that stage performers are not as respected as they once were. I think ballet dancers are still highly-esteemed in places like Russia though, which is not really the case where I'm from. It could be because ballet is newer to America and it never quite held the level of honor that Russia gives it.
